The Benefits and Side Effects of Eating Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are a great source of nutrition, providing essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. However, eating too much hemp seeds can cause digestive complaints such as bloating, nausea, or constipation. Excessive protein consumption may also lead to weight gain and possibly even cancer. If you experience diarrhea or an upset stomach when consuming hemp seeds for the first time, try a smaller amount to start with.

To optimize nutrition without sacrificing extra protein, add whole hemp seeds instead of processed powders. Hemp granola is popular for breakfast, but watch out for excess sugar. Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, roasted, or cooked; they're peeled like hemp hearts; they're cold pressed for hemp seed oil; and they're used to make non-dairy hemp milk, hemp cheese, and nut butter. Once opened, you can expect hemp seeds to last about a year if you store them in the refrigerator or freezer.

The overall effect of hemp on health problems such as stress and reducing inflammation also contribute to improving the experience by minimizing pain. Hemp seeds are one of the only natural sources of all essential amino acids, have been shown to have a positive influence on diseases and have been suggested to improve overall health. Nutritional yeast gives it a cheesy flavor, miso gives it an umami flavor, and hemp offers a sweet nutty essence. The possible side effects discussed are very unlikely or unspecific to hemp seeds, while the benefits of hemp seeds are very impressive.

Hemp seeds provide many nutrients, such as vitamin E and a large number of minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, calcium and iron. You can buy 100% organic, raw, natural, vegan and preservative-free hemp hearts here at India Hemp Organics.

Micaela de Gallardo
Micaela de Gallardo

Friendly sushi ninja. Award-winning bacon advocate. Avid food junkie. Hardcore zombieaholic. Award-winning tea expert. General coffee ninja.