Hemp (Cannabis sativa), also known as industrial hemp, is a plant of the Cannabaceae family that is cultivated for its fiber or edible seeds. It has been used to manufacture a wide range of products for thousands of years, and is one of the fastest growing plants on Earth. Hemp can be refined into paper, ropes, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paint, insulation, biofuel, food and animal feed. The United States is the only major country that prohibits the cultivation of industrial hemp due to fears that recreational hemp could be hidden among industrial crops.
Hemp for Victory was a short documentary film produced by the United States Department of Agriculture during World War II. The use of hemp as a fabric was mainly focused on the countryside, and higher quality textiles were available in cities. The Hemp Farming Act now requires state agriculture departments to consult with their governors and key enforcement officials on a regulatory program, which will then be submitted to the U. S.
Secretary of Agriculture for approval. Hemp was discovered in Native American civilizations prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus. It is a sustainable plant due to its minimal use of water and non-dependence on pesticides for adequate growth. Hemp-derived CBD is rapidly becoming one of the most popular forms of the cannabinoid on the market today.
Jack Herer brought agriculture and commerce to light in his book The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Both medical and recreational hemp products are highly illegal in the United States under federal law; however, several states have enacted much more flexible laws, mostly for medical marijuana, but some states have also legalized recreational marijuana and some agricultural states have passed laws aimed at allowing the cultivation of industrial hemp. Many different stitches are used to create hemp jewelry, however, half-knot and full-knot stitches are the most common. Smoking organic hemp can be a pleasant and effective way to experience other cannabinoids such as CBD without achieving an intoxicating effect.
The seeds can be consumed whole or refined by pressing or shredding them to produce hemp seed oil and flour. Tasmania was the first state to initiate modern research into the potential of cannabis by licensing hemp in the early 1990s. Hemp stems are processed using decortication, a multi-step method for removing long fibers from the rest of the plant. These diseases rarely affect the yield of a hemp field, so hemp production is not traditionally dependent on the use of pesticides.